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Regularly Scheduled Events at Central Church!

Milbank Women’s Connection

Women’s Connection is an affiliate of Stonecroft Ministries (formerly Christian Women’s group). The Milbank Women’s Connection will NOT meet and are on a winter break until March 2025!


Central Book Club

The Central Book Club meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, except for the months of July and December. The group reads a book each month and gathers for discussion and treats. Anyone can join the group at no cost. Central Church provides the books. All that is asked is a free-will donation. To join, please contact Jen Aden in the Church Office at 605-432-4766.

The Central Book Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18, to discuss the book “Under the Tulip Tree” by Michelle Shocklee. For more information, contact Jen Aden in the Church Office at 432-4766.

Seasoned Citizens of Central

The Seasoned Citizens of Central is specifically designed to provide ministry for persons living within the more senior years of their lives. The group meets once a month for a planned gathering that is built around the interests of the more senior people. Rolls and coffee are served in addition to hymn singing of gospel songs.

The Seasoned Citizens of Central will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, March 13, at 9:30 a.m. There will be refreshments, a devotion, music, and a rousing game of “Left, Right, Central!” The Central winners will be celebrated. Come beat the winter doldrums with some warm fellowship! Please call the Church Office, 432-4766, if you would like a ride.


Weekly Men’s Evening Bible Study

The evening weekly Men’s Bible Study will meet on Sundays throughout the school year at 6:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room. Anyone is welcome to join! For more information, please contact Steve Nomeland at 320-219-3038 or Sean Pinkert at 605-467-9244.

Weekly Men’s Bible Study

All are welcome to attend the Wednesday morning Men’s Bible Study in the Heritage Room. The group meets at 6:45 a.m. for a devotion and prayer. For more information, please contact Jody Kuper at 605-432-5749.


Regular Sunday Worship Hours (September - May)

8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Service

9:30 a.m. Coffee Fellowship

9:45 - 10:45 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Blended Worship Service

Wednesday Night Activities (during the school year)

3:30 p.m. Middle School Youth Group

3:30 p.m. JAM 45 (4th-5th grades)

5:15 p.m. Wednesday Night Meal

6:00 p.m. High School Youth Group

6:00 p.m. JAM Jr. (ages 3 - grade 3)

6:15 p.m. Got(d) Study with Pastor Thom and other small group studies

Special Events At Central Church!

Wednesday Night Activities Schedule

Lots of activities take place on Wednesday Nights at Central Church during the school year! There is a full line-up of activities for EVERYONE!

Middle School and High School Youth Group:
Middle School Youth Group takes place from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and Youth Room on Wednesdays. The high school youth will meet from 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. in the Youth Room! Bring a friend!!

Wednesday Night Meal:
Wednesday Night meals are served beginning at 5:15 p.m. each week in the Fellowship Hall. The meal is provided for a free-will donation. This year, in an effort to promote community and fellowship, there will be NO to-go meals. We would love to have you come and eat with us!

JAM 45 and JAM Jr:
We are very excited to announce a new format for our JAM programs for the elementary students this year! JAM stands for Jesus and Me and takes place on Wednesdays. This is a time for preschool through 5th grade age children to come take part in fun, Christian activities which are an extension of the Sunday School program.

JAM 45 is a NEW group intended for the 4th and 5th grade students to bond together, build closer relationships, and dive deeper into their faith. They will meet on Wednesdays from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. at the church. Ginny Tostenson will pick up these students from Milbank Elementary School at 3:00 p.m. every Wednesday.

JAM JR. will then take place at the normal time from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. downstairs and will be for children ages 3 through 3rd grade! This will give this group of children a chance to be leaders of their group and have the activities tailored more for their age! This is also a time for parents to bring their children and get involved in the various Wednesday Night adult Bible studies. There will be homework help available during this time for the 4th and 5th graders who are waiting for their younger siblings to participate in JAM Jr. We pray you will get your children involved in these exciting programs!

Got(d) Questions format:
Pastor Thom is going to use a different format for his Wednesday night Got(d) Questions each week. He will be leading various Bible studies during this time beginning at 6:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

We are looking forward to seeing the church full on Wednesday Nights!


“The Chosen - Season Four” Study

Season Four of the TV series, “The Chosen,” will begin Thursday, March 6, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Central. Ginny Tostenson will facilitate this study. It will also include a light pot-luck style meal. This study teaches readers how to reframe their hardships and see them as fertile soil for God’s goodness to grow in their lives. God’s Goodness for the Chosen takes readers through eight lessons which reveal how God uses suffering to bring about good things in the lives of those He loves.

You do NOT need to have participated or watched the first 3 seasons to be involved with this study! The cost of the study guide and materials is $10.00. The sign-up deadline is Monday, March 3! See the Small Groups Table near the Welcome Center!

Gather ‘25

Central Church will host the historic Gather ’25 event on Friday, February 28, from 6:00 – 11:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Gather ’25 is a global church gathering like never before. This event is taking the place of the annual IF:Gathering this year. Gather’25 is an unprecedented 25-hour global broadcast event telling the inspiring stories of the global Church, by the global Church. Jesus followers in churches, campuses, arenas, and living rooms from every continent and denomination will join together across every time zone to watch the Gather ‘25 broadcast that is free to everyone, everywhere. For 25 hours, Gather ‘25 is inviting believers across the world to pray, repent, worship, and discover how the love of Jesus is transforming the world through everyday people. This is our moment in history to come together, be inspired by the stories of how God is moving across the earth and be excited to share Jesus everywhere.

Speakers in the US will include Jennie Allen, Francis Chan, Priscilla Shirer, Louie Giglio, Sadie Robertson Huff, Rick Warren, John Mark Comer, Katherine Wolf, David Platt, Jon Tyson, Craig Groeschel, Tonya Prewett, and many more!

The local gathering will include supper at 6:00 p.m. The live broadcast of Gather ’25 will take place from 7:00 – 11:00 p.m. during which time it will be broadcast live from the United States. There will be a $10 fee per person to attend, to help cover the cost of food and supplies. There is NO pre-registration needed – just come and pay at the door! This event is for EVERYONE – men, women, and children, however there will be NO childcare available. For more details, you may visit www.gather25.com or talk to Ginny Tostenson. Invite your family and friends and come enjoy a great time of fellowship!


Ash Wednesday Service

The Ash Wednesday Service at Central Church will take place Wednesday, March 5, at 6:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. A meal will be served at 5:15 p.m. Middle School Youth Group, JAM 45, and JAM Jr. WILL take place like normal. Middle School will play Bible Trivia Basketball! The High School Youth Group will join the Ash Wednesday service. Come join in this meaningful service as we prepare for Easter and the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Pie Auction

The Finance Committee of Central Church will host a pie auction on Sunday, March 2, from 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Funds this year will go towards the roof project! We are just $10,000 away from the goal! A wide variety of pies and baked goods will be up for auction, with Steve Farrell as the auctioneer! There will also be a table with smaller baked items for sale, such as cookies, bars, cupcakes, for a minimum of a $20.00 donation. Come support Central Church!

PIE AUCTION DONATIONS NEEDED: Donations of a variety of pies and/or baked goods are needed and appreciated to help support the annual pie auction. Donations of plates of cookies, bars, or cupcakes are also needed for the smaller item table. If you would be willing to donate any of these items to this great cause, please sign up at the Welcome Center. We ask that you deliver your items to the church kitchen by 9:00 a.m. the day of the auction. Please have them covered and labeled with your NAME and KIND/TYPE of baked good on them!! Thank you for your support!

NO SUNDAY SCHOOL: There will be NO Sunday School on Sunday, March 2, due to the pie auction! We invite everyone to come take part in this event!


“Easter” Lenten Study

The Lenten Study at Central Church will begin Wednesday, March 12, at 6:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. It will run each Wednesday until Wednesday, March 9. Nicci Stengel will facilitate a RightNow Media study by J.D. Greer called “Easter.”

The resurrection is the most important moment in history, but it is more than an event we remember on Easter Sunday. Join pastor J.D. Greear as he takes a deeper look at Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection in the Gospel of Matthew, revealing the ways we should see ourselves in Jesus’s story. Jesus died for us so that he could be alive in us today. Easter changes everything.

Please sign up at the Welcome Center! Bus service will be provided for those who need it. Please call the Church Office, 432-4766, to sign up for a ride. Come enjoy this study during the Advent season!

Other Ways To Stay Informed With Central Church


Central Connection Monthly Activities Calendar

February 2025

January 2025

December 2024

November 2024
